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Learn the truth behind these common car-care myths.

Myth: “Using a dish detergent is just fine to wash my car.???

Truth: Most dish detergents are formulated to cut through animal or vegetable fat and can have the same effect on your vehicle’s wax. For best results, use a cleaner that is specifically designed for automotive use.

Myth: “You’re supposed to inflate your tires to the pressure indicated on the tire sidewall.???

Truth: Because a wide variety of tires can fit your vehicle, the pressure indicated on the tire isn’t necessarily the ideal pressure for your car. In fact, the number indicated on a tire’s sidewall is the maximum pressure for the tire. Instead, you can usually find the manufacturer’s recommendation for the tire pressure for your vehicle on a sticker on your doorjamb for newer cars or look inside the fuel door or glove box on older models.

Myth: “I always use premium fuel because it helps my car get better performance.???

Truth: In any standard vehicle, using the premium, more expensive gas won’t make a notable difference. Chief mechanic at Consumer Reports John Ibbotson states, “A higher octane number doesn’t mean that your vehicle will perform better. It simply means that it’s more resistant to engine knocking or pinging.??? Unless the owner’s manual for your car says it’s required (versus recommended), you can skip it and save your money.

Myth: “I have to change the engine oil every 3,000 miles.???

Truth: The reality is, today’s cars can go as far as 7,500 miles or more without fresh oil. To make sure you’re not wasting money on unnecessary service, be sure to check your vehicle’s specific suggested maintenance schedule or Call Drew Street Auto Repair 727-461-0606 for more information.

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